Opening of a new biotechnology laboratory specialized in wheat diseases

"Agriculture" announces a new achievement for the Plant Disease Research Institute. Opening of a new biotechnology lab specialized in wheat diseases
Dr. Ashraf Khalil, Director of the Plant Pathology Research Institute of the Agricultural Research Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, announced the opening of a new biotechnology plant in the Wheat Diseases Research Department, as part of the ongoing development of the Plant Pathology Research Institute, under the guidance of H.E Mr. Alquser, Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation
The Director of the Institute noted that the laboratory included state-of-the-art equipment for the rapid and accurate detection of wheat diseases, noting that the laboratory had been opened for approval from the Aegac and the ISO certificate.
Khalil explained that the Wheat Disease Research Department is one of the most important departments of the Institute. Its work is linked to the most important strategic crops in Egypt.