MoALR organizes a training programme for young researchers on procedures to ensure that potatoes are free from viral diseases

The Institute of Plant Pathology Research of the Centre for Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, is organizing a training programme for young researchers, entitled "Procedures to ensure that potatoes are free from viral diseases," under the auspices of H.E Mr. Al-Quserr, Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, and the supervision of Dr. Mohamed Suliman , Head of the Centre of Agricultural Research, beginning of the Institute Centre.
The Director of the Institute, Dr. Ashraf Khalil, said that the programme contained a number of topics, chief among them: an introduction to the virus and some viral diseases that affect potato crops and how to distinguish them from similar symptoms, and the proliferation of virus - free potato plants using plant tissue culture technology.
The Director of the Institute explained that the training course also included how to prevent viruses in the production stages of atoms, the production stages of locally approved potatoes represented by a company in Egypt, as well as serological applications in laboratory screening for various potato viruses, laboratory testing using different serological methods, as well as molecular biology techniques in laboratory testing for various potato viruses.
The training programme was to include laboratory testing using molecular biology techniques, review of decisions and mechanisms for the adoption of disease-free potatoes, field inspection procedures and adoption of local potatoes as a result of tissue cultivation.
Khalil stressed that the programme would aim to train young researchers at the Institute and other relevant institutes, both at the Agricultural Research Centre and at Egyptian public and private universities, as well as private and public company engineers, on how to produce potatoes with a viral-free tissue culture.